• School Hours 8:45-15:15
  • Office Mon-Fri 8:30-16:00
  • 01279 215745
  • About


    The learning and development of the pupils is at the core of everything that is done at Pemberley and we focus on this everyday.

    The teachers are continuously developing their own practice to ensure that children of all learning abilities are catered for and this is tracked by the school leadership every half term to build a picture of what every learner requires on their journey. We also work extensively with partners in the wider community to ensure that all pupils and their families are supported so each child develops rapidly.


    We aim to provide a school trip every half term and believe in the reach2 mantra of ’11 before 11’ which is the insistence of 11 quality experiences before each learner leaves us.

    In the main the trips will be based around the topics the children are studying but some may be more general and look to broaden other aspects of the children life.


    “Exceptional experiences everyday”
    Our own mission statement is built around that of Reach2 the academy trust we are proudly part of and is based on the insistence that every day, both in and outside of the classroom the pupils have access to exceptional experiences. By achieving this we are positioning our pupils to be successful, and fulfilled young people with high aspirations.


    Physical education is an absolute cornerstone of life at Pemberley and the pupils have access to two sessions per week, one of which takes place with a highly qualified sports coach. These sessions will develop a love of Physical education and focus on high levels of activity, body management and movement as well as elements of competitive sport.

    Our enrichment programme offers a variety of Physical education options including football, basketball, Zumba, Netball and Karate to name a few. We also offer outlets in the form of an extensive fixtures programme to allow our children to compete locally against other children.

    Swimming is also part of our year 3 curriculum and the pupils have the opportunity to swim once a week across two terms.


    The School Vision

    Exceptional Experiences Everyday

    The schools vision is ‘Exceptional Experiences Everyday’ and we look to deliver on that in every conceivable fashion.

    At Pemberley we look to create an environment where children thrive, parents feel empowered and staff have the opportunity to develop, grow and constantly become better for the sake of the children they teach, creating learners who are confident, well equipped and ready to move on to the next phase of their life with gusto.

    Equality & Positivity

    Pemberley Academy is committed to meeting its public sector duties and acknowledges that we have a statutory duty to:

    • Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation
    • Promote equality of access and opportunity within our school and within our wider community
    • Promote positive attitudes to difference and good relationships between people with different backgrounds, genders, cultures, faiths, abilities and ethnic origins

    The Best of British Values

    The Department for Education has published guidance on promoting British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain.

    At Pemberley, we understand our responsibility to actively promote the fundamental British values of democracythe rule of law, freedom and individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

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