• School Hours 8:45-15:15
  • Office Mon-Fri 8:30-16:00
  • 01279 215745
  • Clubs

    Breakfast Club

    Changing Lives in HarlowBeginning in the 2022 January spring term (week commencing 4th January), Changing Lives Community Services will be taking over the Breakfast Club provision at Pemberley Academy. The club will be between 7am-8:30am Monday-Friday costing £3.50 (excluding admin fee) per child, per day. They offer a cheaper block booking option covering you for 6 weeks up until half term for £90 (excluding admin fee).

    Each child will be provided with a breakfast e.g cereal or toast as well as water or juice. In addition to the breakfast, they will be offering physical activity sessions every morning ranging from wellbeing activities like yoga to sports such as football and cricket to promote and support a healthy lifestyle and positive start to their day. There is no obligation to participate and there will be other fun activities available.

    Please note they are unable to offer a refund for non-attendees.

    To book please visit this link to take you direct to the bookings link
    Pemberley Breakfast Club — Changing Lives in Harlow (changinglivescommunityservices.co.uk)

    For pupil premium children contact the school to receive your discount code to enter when booking.

    Please read the Term and Conditions on the Changing Lives website and any issues please contact them at [email protected]

    After School Clubs

    We run a variety of after school clubs throughout the year. Information for the next half term will be sent at the end of each current half term. Parents will then be able to purchase club spaces via ParentMail. Clubs are normally charged at £2 per session, although some invite-only sessions do not have a fee.

    From September through May, in preparation for Year 2 SATs, other Tuesday clubs will not be an option for Year 2 pupils. Mr Coster believes that the additional support provided on a Tuesday evening in SATs club would be beneficial to all year 2 pupils.

    Please check Parentmail for up to date details of the clubs we offer Monday to Friday, 3:15pm till 4pm. Some of the clubs we have previously offered include:

    Art Club, Drama Club, Lego Club, Shooting Stars, Homework Club, Martial Arts Club, Comic Club, Reading Club, Choir/Singing Club, Tag Rugby, Netball Club, Laser Tag, Football, Rounders, Golf, and more.

    Super Saturdays

    Stopped for a brief period during the pandemic, Pemberley has long offered a Saturday school option to children in the form of ‘Super Saturdays’ and these will return for 2022/23. There are 6 dates across the academic year where children will be invited into school to take part in activities from cooking to PE and everything in between. These morning sessions are offered for free by the staff and across the year the central idea is to offer as many children as possible the chance to enjoy extra-curricular activity.

    School Holidays

    During selected School Holidays, there may be Sports or Arts and Crafts clubs held at Pemberley (run by outside providers, but sometimes school staff may attend or run these). Check social media for specific details. These clubs are open to Pemberley and non-Pemberley children.

    Virtuoso Violin scholarship

    At Pemberley we have a rich and broad performing art’s offer that ranges from work with local theatre groups, after school dance and drama and whole class music input and individual peripatetic lessons. As part of our drive to ensure that no pupil leaves us having missed out on an experience, we also offer a termly violin scholarship which is funded by the school and offered by our colleagues at Essex music services.

    Every term six children in year 3,4,5 and 6 are given the opportunity to learn the Violin and are provided with an instrument and book to assist them. Once many children have finished the 12 week scholarship period they will often opt to carry on lessons at a reduced rate.

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