• School Hours 8:45-15:15
  • Office Mon-Fri 8:30-16:00
  • 01279 215745
  • Dojo Class Rewards

    We are now using the Class Dojo reward system to encourage positive behaviour in school. Children can earn Dojo points by demonstrating positive behaviour such as helping others, listening, being kind to others and working hard during lessons.  However, children can also lose Dojo points for breaking the school rules, including being disrespectful, being off task or not listening.

    There are also incentives for the children to work to earn points for specific prizes, such as treats, gel pens, toys, Hot Chocolate with the Head, a gift voucher, etc. Children can exchange their Dojos for their chosen prizes when they have earned the number of points needed when Mrs Fish opens The Dojo Shop.

    Children will come to the shop with a voucher from their class teacher which will show how many points they can spend. The children also have the option to save their points for bigger prizes. Prizes start from 20 Dojos. Year 6 have some extra unusual reward choices, voted for by the children!

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