• School Hours 8:45-15:15
  • Office Mon-Fri 8:30-16:00
  • 01279 215745
  • ParentMail

    At Pemberley Academy communicating with our parents is paramount, so that we can reach the parent quickly and efficiently. We have found the best way to get important and urgent messages to our school community is via electronic communications, through the ParentMail system.

    ParentMail allows us, as a school, to send text messages and emails home to parents informing them of up and coming PTA events, school trips that have been organised, parents evening events or simply if an after school club has been temporarily cancelled.

    As part of the ParentMail package, we have the use of their +PlusPay facility, which allows the school to be ‘cashless.’ This additional facility allows the parent to see breakfast club slot availability, allow them to book a school meal for their child and pay for any after-school clubs or school trips, the school may run.

    It is quick and easy to set up and use. The parents just follow the link sent either by email or text, by the school, upon starting with Pemberley. This allows you to confirm your account set-up and create your own password, so that you can access messages and the payment section.

    You can either log-in using an app on your smart phone, which can be downloaded through the app store, or via your personal computer using the pmx.parentmail.co.uk web address.

    If you have any further queries with using the system, in the first instance please take a look at our FAQ’s section for ParentMail. Otherwise if you still experience problems then please contact the school office directly.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    How do I top up my child’s Dinner Money account?

    To top up a child’s Dinner Money balance, please log-in to your ParentMail account and select ‘Payments’, then ‘Shop’. (Note: If the child’s balance is negative, or below the school’s pre-set minimum balance, you will see the option to top-up under ‘To Pay’ as well as ‘Shop’).
    Under the Accounts section, you will see the current balances for any children that you are linked to. Select one of these to enter the top up screen.
    Once you have selected the top-up recipient, you can type in an amount to top up. Please note, your school may have set a minimum top up amount; please contact them directly to confirm this.

    Why is it important that I register on ParentMail?

    There are lots of benefits to registering with ParentMail:
    Access ParentMail with your own login and have access to your own personal feed – away from a busy, email inbox.
    Have all your school communications delivered to one place, so you can find them quickly and easily.
    Update your own contact information within your account without having to go to the school office to update your details.
    Download the free ParentMail App, which means you can pick up all your important school messages on the go.
    If your school is using Payments, Forms, Meetings and Events, Parents Evening Manager or Online Absence Reporting you will have full access to these applications from within one place as well.

    How do I register on ParentMail?

    Your school will send you a registration invitation either by email or text. Once you have received this, you simply follow the steps to set up your account. We have recently improved the registration process to make it as simple as possible for parents. If you get stuck, please follow our guides:

    Click on links below for help registering:


    When I registered I entered the wrong email address – how do I change this?

    Simply log into your ParentMail account with the wrong email address, click on your name in the toolbar at the top of the page, then click Personal Details. Here you can change any of your contact details.

    I have forgotten my login/password, can you reset my account?

    Your login is the email address to which you receive ParentMail messages. If you can’t remember your password, please visit pmx.parentmail.co.uk and click ‘Forgotten your Password?’ You will be asked to input your email address before pressing confirm. If successful, you will get a message saying “Good news – A password reset link has been sent to you via email”. If you do not receive this confirmation message, the email address you entered is not registered, please check for typing errors and if correct – contact your school for a registration link.

    My child is entitled to free school meals, so why have I received a reminder about their balance?

    This is an automatic message sent out when a child is added to a dinner register. If your child is entitled to free school meals, the school will then move them into a ‘free’ price band, and you will receive no further reminders.

    How do I buy an item from school? (from my computer)

    If your school are using +Pay, you will be able to see Payments as an option in your parent feed on either your computer or through the ParentMail App.
    If you have a notification, it means your school have invited you to pay for something, or have notified you of a new payment item which is now available for you to buy or pre-order.
    Once in Payments, you will be able to view items by selecting the “Shop” option.
    In the “Shop” option you will be able to view items which your school have set up as available payment items, which you can buy at any time.
    Once you have found an item you want to purchase, simply click on it, add quantity ‘1’
    You can then choose to ‘Add to Basket’ and continue shopping, or click ‘Pay Now’ to check out straight away.
    You can view your basket at any time by clicking the basket icon in the top right hand corner. This will display all the items that you have added so far.
    To make a payment, go to the Checkout screen where you will see a summary of the items you are buying, and available payment options. Please be aware, these payment options are decided by your school.
    Choose your selected method of payment, then click confirm payment. You will then need to enter your payment details as you would with any online purchase.

    How do I buy an item from school? (from Mobile app)

    If your school are using +Pay, you will be able to see Payments as an option in your parent feed on either your computer or through the ParentMail App.
    If you have a notification, it means your school have invited you to pay for something, or have notified you of a new payment item which is now available for you to buy or pre-order.
    Once in Payments, you will be able to view items “To Pay” or visit the “Shop”.
    In “To Pay” you will be able to view items which you are due to pay. Items here are divided into the following sections:
    Overdue Items: These are items for which payment or an instalment is overdue
    Upcoming Items: These are items for which the due date is approaching
    Part Paid Items: These are items for which a partial payment or subsidy has already been made.
    In “Shop” you will be able to view items which your school have set up as available payment items, which you can buy at any time.
    Once you have found an item you want to purchase, simply click on it, and go through the options – such as quantity, size, colour etc.
    You can then choose to ‘Add to Basket’ and continue shopping, or click ‘Pay Now’ to check out straight away.
    You can view your basket at any time by clicking the basket icon. This will display all the items that you have added so far.
    To make a payment, go to the Checkout screen where you will see a summary of the items you are buying, and available payment options. Please be aware, these payment options are decided by your school.
    Choose your selected method of payment, then click confirm payment. You will then need to enter your payment details as you would with any online purchase.

    Paperless School

    What this means.

    As part of our continuing efforts to reduce waste and lessen our negative impact on the environment, Pemberley Academy is now a paperless school. The financial savings will enable the school to allocate additional funds to support teaching and learning for our students; we will also considerably reduce our environmental footprint by the reduction in our use of paper and other consumables.

    What does this mean for parents?

    • All communications will be sent via e-mail or text messaging. Copies of letters will also be available through the main office.
    • Parents/carers will have easy access to relevant information, which means no more letters lost or lying in the bottom of a school bag.
    • We will not send paper consent forms.  Any event that requires a permission slip or other response will be sent to you electronically; you will be able to tick the relevant boxes and give consent through Parentmail.

    Parentmail will be our first method of reaching parents, so it is important that your contact information is kept ‘up-to-date’. Please ensure that the school office has all your current contact details, especially your current mobile phone number and advise us immediately if any of these numbers change.

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