In Year 5 our topics are:
Autumn – To Harlow and Beyond (Harlow and Volcanoes)
Spring – Pharaohs (Ancient Egypt and Rivers)
Summer – Off With Her Head (Tudors and Farming)
Please bring to school:
– Reading book and Record
– Water bottle
– P.E kits worn to school on a Monday.
It is a Pemberley Expectation that children will read at home a minimum of 3 times per week. Their reading book and record needs to be brought into school every day. Once children have finished their book then can change it in the library, for those children who read Bug Club Books an adult will change their book for them, but they are welcome to also take a book from the library to promote reading for pleasure. If your child reads to you here is a list of questions you could ask them to ensure they can comprehend what they have read.
Children will be given their new spellings for the week on a Friday and so should bring in their green spelling book in on a Friday to stick in their new spellings. Whilst they will not be tested on their spelling words it is an expectation for them to practice their spellings and use them in context.
Times Tables
Children in KS2 need to know their times tables up to 12 x 12. They all have access to TT Rockstars in which they can compete against adults, teachers and other children in the school to help practice their fluency. In addition, Year 5 will also be taking part in a Mastering Number Program which helps again increase their fluency with times tables.
Here is an overview for the year: